HAAM DAY with Obsolete Machines is Tuesday! Check the EVENTS page for details.

Andrew Murray - Grandma's House is Burning Down (Cass, Album)

Andrew Murray - Grandma's House is Burning Down (Cass, Album)

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Messages from seven old and faded postcards, their senders and recipients now long gone. Did Minnie ever send those sweet peas? Did Mamma recover? Did Aunt Annie remember Lewis's birthday the next year? We will never know.

1. Dear Ester
Dear Ester:
Thought I would send you a postal. How are you getting along way out there When are you coming home? Amy is out shocking and I tell you she makes the bundles fly. Please answer soon.
I did not know your address before now. I will send you a bunch of sweet peas.
Your friend
Minnie (1908)

2. Wie Immer
Dear F:
Please excuse blot, my pen is fierce. I tried to get you; but the Le S. Cent got on her high horse so will wait for a while. Everything's O.K. got here Monday morn, thru all the mud. Let's hear from you. Say helo to Clarence
Wie Immer
Margit (1911)

3. W.X.Y.Z.
Hello Albert.
Gee but I like the looks of your picture
Your old girl
W.X.Y.Z. (1909)

4. She Forgot
My dear little Boy,
Aunt Annie should have sent you a gift of some kind but honestly she forgot all about it until just now. Hope you have had a happy birthday (1913)

5. All Kinds of Sickness
Dear Lydia
How are you? Heard that your Mamma was awfully sick hope that she will soon get better again. All kinds of sickness in the country now. Was over to home yesterday P.M. had a good time with her as I always have. O sends best Regards to you
Hope to hear from you soon (1911)

6. Next Weak
Hello Roy
How are you I am fine and dandy, I soppose you soon will go seeding. I think we will start next weak, it is getting quite dry hear
from your coz
Gifford (1909)

7. Buried On Tuesday
Hello Honey got your card the other day. Was sure glad to get it. One of my cousins died last Saturday was buried Tuesday. My sister Louise had an operation Wednesday on her Throat she was very sick. but is doing nicely now.
As ever your loving school mate
L.F.E. (1911) 
released April 12, 2024

Remastered by Hunter Prueger for Sad Tree Records
